Choose a Painting

Here are just a few of the paintings you can choose to paint with your friends. Also, ask about more possibilities, including a custom design for your party or adding words like a verse or phrase.

Some Possibilities For a 3 Hour Party…

Winter Birch Trees

Sunny Flowers



Personalized Wooden Signs


Window Box of Geraniums

Garden Path

Summer Aspen

Iris Fields

Spring Nest

Spring Nest

Poppy Fields in Tuscany

Lakeview in Tuscany

Day at the Beach

At the Beach

Woodland Garden

Woodland Garden

Falling Leaves

Fall Birch Trees

Birch Trees

First Snow

Some Kid’s Party Options…

12×12 Icing on the Cupcake

Let it Snow!


Options for longer workshops…

Christmas Trees

12×12 Sledding Fun

Autumn Sunset


Bread and Wine